Understanding Insurance

Understanding How Insurance Can Cover the Cost Of Your Medical-Grade Wigs
We understand that navigating the insurance process for medical-grade wigs can be overwhelming, but we're dedicated to walk this process with you.
Here's a simple guide to get started:
Step 1: Obtain a Medical Diagnosis
Begin by getting a medical diagnosis from your dermatologist or physician. The diagnosis should clearly state that you have a medical condition, such as alopecia or cancer, which has led to hair loss.
Step 2: Getting a Prescription for a Cranial Prosthesis
Ask your doctor to write a prescription specifically for a "cranial prosthesis." It's important to use this term, as some insurance companies may not recognize the word "wig."
Step 3: Schedule a Consultation
Book an appointment with our cranial prosthesis specialist for a custom fitting of your medical wig. We will then provide you with an estimated cost for the prosthesis.
Step 4: Submit Your Claim
Once you receive your cranial prosthesis, we will provide you with an itemized receipt and any additional documentation required to submit your insurance claim. This receipt will include a medical code indicating that the product is a cranial prosthesis, not a cosmetic wig.
Step 5: Follow Up with Your Insurance Company
After submitting your claim, follow up with your insurance provider to ensure it was received and to check on its status. Each insurance company has a unique process, so be sure to understand your policy's specific requirements.
While many insurance companies cover a significant portion of the cost for a cranial prosthesis, the amount may vary depending on your plan. We recommend contacting your insurance provider before your consultation to learn more about your individual coverage.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We're here for your support 
Email us at info@nationalcranialprosthetics.com